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ABOUT St. Michael's WINGS

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We are St. Michael's WINGS, a group of Catholic young adults who come together to foster Worship of the One True God, Intercession for each other and the world, Nourishment for mind, body, and soul, Great friendships, and Service of God and neighbor.

We get together on different days of the week, depending on what we're doing. For example, if we're having adoration and a game or movie night, we may hold the event on a weeknight. If we're going on a hike or doing a service project together, we'll most likely meet over the weekend.

If you are a Catholic in your 20s or 30s living in our general area and are looking to be a part of a great community of fun friends that support one another and grow together in the faith, WINGS is the home for you.

Contact the St. Michael's parish office at or (240)681-3551 for more information or with any questions.

How to Join?

Just come. RSVP to one of our events, and join us! We always welcome new friends.

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